sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

There Forgiveness and Salvation in Jesus Christ

Has anyone ever told you "There´s Not forgiveness for you" ?, let me tell you, Yes, there is forgiveness for you,
Jesus Christ the only begotten (unique) Son of God the Father and Creator of all things, died to pay the evil that you could cause someone, something or the world in general, no matter if: you steal, hurt, maltrataste, raped , murdered, offended, harlot, violentaste the rights of others, no matter that we have not described in this paragraph the action you made, what matters now is that Jesus Christ has the power and the desire to save and change your life forever, The Bible says in the book of St. John 3:16 that God the Father so loved humanity that he gave his own son "Jesus Christ" so that by believing in him should not lets go to the condemnation we deserve for the evil we did or we cause; rather, to decide for Him, He gives us eternal life in His Son Jesus.
easily accept Jesus Christ, just bow your head in reverence to God and ask Him to come into your heart. to help, write to:

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